Music For Worship
Pat has been a prolific writer of hymns and music for worship since 2003. She is a member of the United Church of Canada, and has four hymns in their More Voices Hymnbook and one in the Mennonite hymnbook Voices Together. Called by Earth and Sky, also recorded on her Labyrinth album, has been a popular hymn and has opened the door to Pat to many musical opportunities within the church. She is a Music United representative for the Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council and has contributes music for worship at their three monthly gatherings. Her music has been featured regularly in Gathering Magazine, a United Church musical and liturgical resource. Pat has also written a number of children’s songs and loves to work with children to help create the words to new music. Pat’s children’s music has been featured in the Bible Quest and Seasons of the Spirit curriculums.
For a number of years, Pat has collaborated with David Kai, a Canadian composer, songwriter and arranger. David has arranged many of Pat’s worship pieces for piano and voice. All these collaborative pieces are available on David’s website.
There is no charge for the music, but we do ask that any usage be reported to OneLicense or CCLI.
For all pieces,
Words and Music: Pat Mayberry
Arrangements: David Kai
The following is a list of pieces available:
Hymns for all seasons:
The Lord is My Strength and Song
You’ve Searched Me God You Know Me
Anti Oppression:
O When My God Asks Me to Stand
Short reflective pieces/ prayer response/Lent:
O Thou the Breathing Life of all
Faith, Love and Hope and Love Abide
Advent Christmas:
Remembrance Sunday: